This powerful work is bringing consciousness to every aspect of relationship…through communication, touch, movement & presence. Whether you are single or in partnership relationship begins within, with one’s self…as we build that relationship, all relationships around us get more delicious! This is about embracing all emotions, everything about the self and one another and sharing our truth with the other…and learning how to speak from a place of heart so the other can hear and feel you. It is slowing everything down so we can be in complete authenticity with ourself and our beloved! As so many times we are in such a hurry that we miss what is really going on within. Conscious loving is also learning the skills of being an exquisite lover and knowing how to touch, breathe, eye gaze, connect in heart space with your beloved. I guide workshops for couples, singles, women and I coach women on empowerment and embodiment, and couples on living consciously in relationships to live in ecstasy, truth and authentic with each other in the most loving ways!